Code of ethics

Varela Journal is a publication committed to guaranteeing the quality of its contents and the proper exercise of ethical practices by each of its actors. For this, it adheres to the international standards developed by Elsevier's Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), embodied in the Core Practices ( applicable to everyone involved in the publication of scholarly literature: publishers and their journals, publishers, and institutions. In addition, it uses what is provided by the Resource Pack for Ethics in Publication (

The management of Revista Varela understands that all parties involved in the publication process of scientific articles must be informed about ethical practices and ways to manage conflicts that could arise from bad practices. From which the following responsibilities are derived:

Responsibilities of the authors

  1. Guarantee the originality of their contributions and their exclusivity for the journal.
  2. Respect intellectual property and prevent plagiarism.
  3. Protect the identity of the research subjects or have their informed consent.
  4. Resolve possible conflicts of interest before submitting the article to the journal regarding the contributions of the authors and other participants.
  5. Guarantee the veracity of the data. The journal also encourages authors to be willing to share the starting data if requested for reproducibility.
  6. Notify the editor immediately if he has detected any significant inaccuracies once the article has been published.
  7. Assume the commitment associated with the content of your manuscript.

Responsibilities of the management of the journal and the editorial group

  1. Guarantee fidelity to the procedures related to contributions and the evaluation and publication processes.
  2. Keep the confidentiality of the documents sent by those involved (authors, editors and referees) during the entire editorial process.
  3. Guarantee the quality of the content of the publications, as well as the editorial process.
  4. Select for arbitration experts with sufficient suitability to objectively, thoroughly and honestly evaluate the contribution.
  5. Processing complaints of misconduct received by the editorial team or detected by them, either during or after the editorial process.
  6. Ask the authors for a declaration of absence of conflicts of interest related to the contribution.
  7. The journal will address any claim made against its staff and its procedures.
  8. The journal will ask the authors for their consent regarding the session of their rights in accordance with the journal's policy.
  9. Screen submitted articles without regard to the authors' race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, ethnicity, country of origin, or citizenship or political orientation.
  10. Do not use the content of articles not published by the journal staff.
  11. Keep authors informed about each of the stages of the editorial processes and exchange with them in order to guarantee the best quality of the publication.
  12. Inform the model adopted for peer review and manage the claims and conflicts that may arise from it.
  13. Manage processes for correction, review or retraction of articles after publication.

Reviewers' responsibilities

  1. Voluntarily undertake reviews of only those contributions on topics in which they consider themselves experts.
  2. Make an in-depth, rigorous and objective evaluation of the contributions.
  3. Respect the confidentiality of information linked to the editorial process.
  4. Alert the editor when any published content is remarkably similar to the article being reviewed.
  5. Inform the editor if you feel you have any conflict of interest (financial, institutional, collaboration, content or any other type of relationship) with the author in case it is necessary to withdraw your collaboration in the review.
  6. Respect the deadlines established for the review, if they cannot be assumed, they must notify the editor well in advance.