Call number 71 (May-Aug 2025)



Varela Journal (, a publication with a pedagogical profile, managed by the Faculty of Early Childhood Education of the Central University "Marta Abreu" of Las Villas, certified by the Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment (CITMA) and indexed in: REDALYC, DOAJ, CLASE, LATINDEX, among others, has the pleasure of reminding its readers and collaborators that the call is open (until February 28, 2025) to participate in the monograph number 71 corresponding to the May-August 2025 stage, which will deal with the topic:


The educational digital transformation is a process that seeks to improve the quality of education by integrating digital technologies in all aspects of the educational system. Digital technologies have evolved from stand-alone projects to networks of tools and programs that link people and objects around the world, helping to address personal and global challenges.

Digital innovation has demonstrated its ability to complement, enrich and transform education, and has the potential to accelerate progress towards achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 (SDG 4) for education, as well as transform the ways in which universal access to learning is achieved.

The implementation of innovative strategies to promote digital transformation in education can reinforce the quality and relevance of learning, strengthen inclusion and improve the management and governance of education. This issue offers, in its MONOGRAPHIC section, the possibility of presenting contributions that address research, innovations and experiences in educational practice, in relation to the subject matter referred to, adapted to the demands of today's society.

We remind you that in this new stage of the journal's development, the RESEARCH IN EDUCATION section is added to its monographic section; This section will contain works that are not related to the topic of the monograph and is a possibility offered to authors to publish articles derived from educational research, hence, its content cannot lack the essential elements of the process (theoretical framework, methodology, results and discussion), as well as comply with the structure regulated by the journal for this type of article.

Varela Journal Publishing Group