The gnoseological cycle as a way to problematize teacher training




Gnoseological Cycle, Teacher Education, Science and Technology Education, Paulo Freire, Epistemology


The aim of this article is to identify in publications in the field of scientific and technological education the conceptions developed on Freire's gnoseological cycle in teacher training. A systematic study of the literature was carried out, based on publications, using the Buscad tool. 423 documents were found and 121 were analyzed. Most of the works use the gnoseological cycle to promote the movement from naive curiosity to epistemological curiosity. Dodescence is taken as a systematic warning that the relationship with knowledge must be horizontal between teacher and student and there are limited studies that treat the cycle as a unique process, as a totality whose newly learned knowledge is related to the real world. There are few studies on the use of the Gnosiological Cycle in teacher training and, therefore, this can be an important space for new research and the development of practices on this topic.


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How to Cite

Lambach, M., & Rosa Alba, N. (2025). The gnoseological cycle as a way to problematize teacher training. Varela Journal, 25(70), e2025257006.