Call number 71 (May-Aug 2025)
Innovative strategies to promote digital transformation in education
Closing: Feb 28, 2025
Varela Journal (, a publication with a pedagogical profile, managed by the Faculty of Early Childhood Education of the Central University "Marta Abreu" de las Villas, certified by the Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment (CITMA) and indexed in: DOAJ, CLASE, LATINDEX, REDIB, among others, has the pleasure of reminding its readers and collaborators that the call is open (until February 29, 2024) to participate in the monographic number 68 corresponding to the May-August 2024 stage, which will deal with the topic:
The world in which we live, characterized by the rapidity of its changes and the intensity of its interconnection and interdependence, poses new challenges and offers new opportunities for the search for sustainable social and human development. In these processes, learning occupies a central place, since it implies the effective acquisition of basic and transferable skills both for the world of work and for personal, civic and social life. Precisely, among these challenges, the educational curriculum stands out as a fundamental tool to achieve the transformations that are required in today's society.
The educational curriculum constitutes a set of interconnected aspects of a conceptual, methodological and practical order to offer students of different educational levels an appropriate academic formation; It refers not only to the formal structure of study plans and programs, but to all aspects that involve the choice of content, their disposition, society's needs, educational or didactic materials, available technology, among others. Hence the importance of curricular design, as an anticipated vision of the curriculum, which encompasses a decision-making process prior to its development.
The contextualization of the curriculum implies its adaptation to the specific conditions of the educational institution in which it will be put into practice, which responds to legal compliance with the educational policy of a country, attending to the aspirations in the formation of its citizens. However, the consideration of education for global citizenship, conceptualized as a sense of belonging to a broader community and a common humanity, promotes the internationalization of the educational curriculum, as a global perspective that unites the local with the global and national. with the international
Precisely, this number offers in its MONOGRAPHIC section the possibility to present contributions that address research, innovations and experiences of educational practice, in relation to the different views of the educational curriculum and curricular design, tempered to the new demands of today's society in in order to achieve more just and equitable societies.
We remind you that in this new stage of development of the journal, the RESEARCH IN EDUCATION section is added to its monographic section; This section will contain works that are unrelated to the theme of the monograph and is a possibility that is given to authors to publish articles derived from educational research, hence, in its content, the essential elements of the process (theoretical framework, methodology, results and discussion), as well as they must comply with the structure regulated by the journal for this type of article.
Publishing group Varela Journal
Innovative strategies to promote digital transformation in education
Closing: Feb 28, 2025
Comprehensive training in today's society
Closing: Jun 30, 2025
APA Style 7ht edition in english
APA Style 7th edition in spanish
UCLV DSpace (Repository of scientific documents of UCLV)
Varela Journal by Central University "Marta Abreu" of Las Villas is licensed under a Creative Commons Reconocimiento-NoComercial 4.0 Internacional License.
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