
Editorial Policy

The evaluation of the quality of the articles constitutes an essential line in each edition, both by the editorial team and the committee of experts. All contributions received must meet the requirements of originality, compliance with standards, as well as the use of impersonal and inclusive language. and they are subjected to an arbitration system, which begins with the evaluation of the editor and the editorial board, which decides whether to continue with the evaluation of experts following the blind peer model. As part of the continuous improvement of the journal, anti-plagiarism computational tools are used and open evaluation and continuous and anticipated publication by means of pre-print are expected to begin shortly, since it favors earlier circulation and dissemination and with it a possible increase in its citation and reach among the academic community. The rejection rate is published annually in the journal statistics.

Standardization policy

The journal considers normalization as a valuable instrument that overcomes language, cultural, geographical, linguistic, institutional and personal barriers from which scientific knowledge originates, hence it constitutes an effective tool on the way to the diffusion and visibility of its contents. In response to what has been stated, the publication conforms to the provisions of the ISO Standards (International Organization for Standardization - https://www.iso.org/ ) with regard to the essential elements related to the formal presentation of the journal and the guidelines for authors.

As part of the standardization process, the journal displays for all authors the ORCID registration number (registration is free through a few simple steps on the https://orcid.org/) that allows them to be unequivocally and unequivocally identified. Likewise, the complete affiliation of the authors is provided, as well as the collaborators who participate in the different editorial bodies, including the full names of the institutions to which they are affiliated.

The standardization for the presentation of articles includes the dates of receipt and acceptance of originals, as well as navigation and access functionality, by having a structure that allows access to the articles in a maximum of three clicks (they start counting from the initial page of the journal's website). Regarding the use of the Article Identifier (Digital Object Identifier -DOI-), the journal is in the process of using the DOI Zenodo, (operated by the CERN Data Center and the OpenAIRE initiative) as it is a reliable and free identifier.

Open access policy

The journal aims to be an instrument for disseminating the work of the academic and scientific community that provides immediate free access to its content under the principle that making its content freely available to the public contributing to promote a greater exchange of global knowledge. It does not pursue profit, therefore, it does not pay for the collaborations it receives.

The publication adheres to the Open Access Journals movement (via diamond) and delivers all its contents to various repositories, under the principle of making the information freely available to all interested parties, to promote dissemination and exchange in the world educational community. The journal offers its publishing services to authors completely free of financial compensation. This implies that collaborators do not have to assume the costs (Article Processing Charge -APC-) for: reception, number of pages, color, translation, revision, as well as other actions that are required to conclude the publication process; These expenses are totally assumed by the institution that manages the journal (UCLV). Those who access Revista Varela can read, download, copy, distribute, print, translate, search or link the full texts of the articles that are published in accordance with the Creative Commons 4.0 Attribution License.

Self-archiving and digital preservation policies

The journal executes the self-archiving policy, through its conservation in the institutional repository of the "Marta Abreu" de las Villas Central University and the "José Martí" National Library, where the digital information of the published numbers is stored and preserved. It uses as legal deposit the Registry of Cuban serial publications (http://www.seriadascuba.com/ RNPS: 2038 and ISSN: 1810-3413). With a view to the digital preservation of published content, work is being done to incorporate them into both internal and external repositories. Authors are allowed and encouraged to deposit their published works in other repositories, as this favors their circulation, dissemination, and preservation.

Privacy Policy

Personal data provided by authors to this journal will be used exclusively for the purposes declared by the journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to another person.

Copyright Policy

Authors will retain their copyright and will grant the journal the right of first publication of their work, which will simultaneously be subject to the Creative Commons Attribution License that allows third parties to share the work as long as its authorship is indicated and it is not used for commercial purposes.

Policy for the detection of plagiarism and anti-plagiarism

The Editorial Board verifies through the use of specialized software for the detection of plagiarism and anti-plagiarism that the submitted manuscripts do not contain textual information from previous articles by the authors themselves (autoplagiarism) or by others (plagiarism). In addition, authors must not engage in other misconduct such as manipulation or falsification of data and citations. Manuscripts with such ethical issues will be rejected.