Over-schooling in Chilean childhood: causes, effects and challenges for early childhood education





Early childhood, Schooling, Mechanistic approach, Neo liberalization


Over-schooling in childhood is observed with increasing frequency as overloading students through pedagogical strategies that are not associated with the characteristics of early childhood education and the needs of the first stages of life. This article systematizes this phenomenon associated with schooling at the initial level considering the characteristics of today's society, the institutionality of the school and the beliefs of the people involved in the development of educational practice. This theoretical-empirical review aims to promote reflection on early childhood education in Chile located in the school context, for this it covers topics such as the neo-liberalization of educational systems, pedagogical approaches and the current situation of childhood. The bibliographic analysis considered scientific journals of diverse indexing: Redalyc, Scielo, Web of Science, Google Scholar and Science Direct and classic literature.


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How to Cite

Over-schooling in Chilean childhood: causes, effects and challenges for early childhood education. (2023). Varela Journal, 23(65), 138-148. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7873596