Psychopedagogical attention to the personal-emotional growth of students in situations of psychosocial vulnerability




Psychopedagogical care, Educational guidance, Personal growth, Psychosocial vulnerability


The education professional, in his privileged daily relationship with his students, must be trained to develop professional skills that allow him to manage vulnerable situations in his different contexts of action: school, family and community. To do this, they must model orientation alternatives in the educational context that favor the integral development of personality, as well as advise orientation programs and strategies based on human improvement. The research proposes the development of a system of psychopedagogical workshops for lower secondary school students in situations of psychosocial vulnerability that favor their personal growth. The methods used allowed for actions of change and transformation in the modes of action of these adolescents with content and psychological factors of personality (self-esteem, motivation, empathy, resilience, self-awareness and the ability to manage stress) that allow a higher level of regulation and behavioral self-regulation, as well as their involvement based on the demands of society, a better relationship with their environment, with other people and with themselves.


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How to Cite

Psychopedagogical attention to the personal-emotional growth of students in situations of psychosocial vulnerability. (2024). Varela Journal, 24(69), 203-208.