Feminisms and pedagogical self-management: experiences at the National University of San Martín, Buenos Aires, Argentina





Pedagogical self-management, Experience, Pedagogical assembly, Militant feminisms


The following article presents some of the experiences achieved at the National University of San Martín, Buenos Aires, Argentina, where a pedagogy framed in the principles of “autogestión pedagógica” is being carried out, it is a result of a project linked to the Program of Learning from and in “Autogestión” research, and the Humanities Program Investigates “Processes of youth participation in urban and rural settings. An interdisciplinary and collaborative study of the transformative potential of youth practices in the city and province of Buenos Aires. The research is descriptive, the experiences are presented in the school year that took place in the course (2022), specifically in the second quarter of 2022 within the framework of the Optional Seminar on “autogestión pedagógica”, taking as a reference the pedagogical assemblies, as a fundamental tool that stands out for generating the conditions for making decisions among all participants in legal parity, with orientation towards the construction of decisions that benefit the collective from the perspective of militant feminism.


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How to Cite

Feminisms and pedagogical self-management: experiences at the National University of San Martín, Buenos Aires, Argentina. (2024). Varela Journal, 24(69), 224-231. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.13623372