About the Journal


Varela Journal is an electronic publication with international coverage, refereed and edited in Spanish and English, which disseminates contributions in multiple fields of theory, practice and research in education, which are aimed at teaching staff of educational institutions, scientists and academics in the educational area, students in initial teacher training, social actors and the public specialized in general educational issues.

Precisely with the name of the journal, homage is paid to Félix Varela Morales (1788-1853), who was one of the exceptional figures of Cuban educational and pedagogical thought, whose ideas exceed the temporal dimension to reach full validity in the current era. This publication was created in 2001, managed by the Pedagogical Information and Documentation Center of the "Félix Varela Morales" University of Pedagogical Sciences in Villa Clara, Cuba. In September 2015, derived from the process of integration of Higher Education institutions in Cuba, the journal passed to the structure of the Faculty of Early Childhood Education of the Central University "Marta Abreu" de las Villas, which did not imply changes in its policies and editorial management.

The Varela Journal is published every four months, covering the numbers corresponding to January-April, May-August and September-December, published on the first day of each month that the four-month period begins. The journal accepts unpublished contributions that include theoretical essays or experiences and innovations, as well as research reports, which are structured into a Monographic section and another section dedicated to Research in Education; Collaborations related to the monographic section will be received following the dates stipulated in the calls that are announced on the journal's website, while articles linked to the other section are open for uninterrupted reception and their contents will reflect the process of research followed, not necessarily linked to the theme of the monograph.

All contributions received must meet the requirements of originality, compliance with standards, as well as the use of impersonal and inclusive language and they are subjected to an arbitration system, which begins with the evaluation of the editor and the editorial board, which decides whether to continue with the evaluation of experts following the blind peer model. As part of the continuous improvement of the journal, anti-plagiarism computational tools are used and open evaluation and continuous and anticipated publication through pre-print are expected to begin in the near future. The rejection rate is published annually in the journal statistics.

The journal is attached to the Open Access movement (via diamond) so it is completely free and free, it does not charge authors for processing (Article Processing Charge -APC-), or readers for accessing the published content, those that are protected by the Creative Common 4.0 license, which allows their copying, reproduction, reuse and remixing, as long as the authors are acknowledged and the information is not used for commercial purposes. The work carried out by the editorial team and the hosting of the journal on servers is the responsibility of the UCLV. Likewise, the publication conforms to the provisions of the ISO Standards with regard to the essential elements related to the formal presentation of the journal, the guidelines for authors, the standardization of authors and collaborators, as well as the standardization in the presentation. Of articles.

Varela Journal is regulated by the ethics of scientific publication expressed by the Committee of Publication Ethics, COPE (https://publicationethics.org/core-practices).

This publication is certified by the Cuban Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment (CITMA) and indexed in several directories, indices and databases, such as: DOAJ, CLASE, LATINDEX, REDIB, ERICHPLUS, among others.

Current Issue

Número 68

Varela Journal (https://revistavarela.uclv.edu.cu), a publication with a pedagogical profile, managed by the Faculty of Early Childhood Education of the Central University “Marta Abreu” de las Villas, is pleased to present to its readers and collaborators number 68 corresponding to the May-August 2024 stage, which will address the topic:


The world in which we live, characterized by the rapidity of its changes and the intensity of its interconnection and interdependence, poses new challenges and offers new opportunities for the search for sustainable social and human development. In these processes, learning occupies a central place, since it implies the effective acquisition of basic and transferable skills both for the world of work and for personal, civic and social life. Precisely, among these challenges, the educational curriculum stands out as a fundamental tool to achieve the transformations that are required in today's society.

The educational curriculum constitutes a set of interconnected aspects, conceptual, methodological and practical to offer students of different educational levels, appropriate academic training; It refers not only to the formal structure of study plans and programs, but to all aspects that involve the choice of content, its disposition, the needs of society, educational or didactic materials, available technology, among others. Hence the importance of curricular design, as an advance vision of the curriculum, which encompasses a decision-making process prior to its development.

Precisely, this issue offers in its MONOGRAPHIC section the possibility of sharing research, innovations and experiences of educational practice, in relation to the various views on the educational curriculum and curricular design, tempered with the new demands of today's society in order to achieve more just and equitable societies. Likewise, it shows in its RESEARCH IN EDUCATION section articles unrelated to the topic of the monograph, which express the results of scientific work from various aspects of the educational field.

Published: 01-05-2024


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