Preparation of the educational one for the vocational formation and professional orientation to school Asperger for their social inclusion



Training, Vocational formation, Professional orientation, Inclusive education, Asperger


The need to prepare General Education teachers for Vocational Training and Professional Orientation in schoolchildren with Asperger Syndrome is the subject of attention of this article. Different authors and their theoretical conceptions about the previously mentioned topic were reviewed, as well as, the founding stated by the Statistical and Diagnostic Manual of Mental Disorders of the American Psychiatric Association with respect to Autism Spectrum Disorders and especially Asperger's syndrome. The development of the study required the use of different research methods such as analytical-synthetic, historical-logical, systemic-structural, inductive-deductive, abstract to concrete, together with, interviews, observations and surveys, supported by descriptive statistical techniques. The objective of the research was to diagnose the preparation needs of teachers in terms of vocational training and professional orientation in schoolchildren with Asperger syndrome in conditions of inclusion and to be able to determine the regularities from processing the information obtained.


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How to Cite

Preparation of the educational one for the vocational formation and professional orientation to school Asperger for their social inclusion. (2021). Varela Journal, 21(60), 229-236.

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