Technology in research: view from information skills at the University



Technology, Educational investigation, Information skills, Initial formation teachers


The work presented is the result of an investigation carried out from the Central University of Las Villas, based on the exploration of informational skills that third-year students of all day course careers possess, in this case, initial teacher training, from the link with the digital environment demanded by today's society. For this, methods of the theoretical, empirical and mathematical-statistical level were used, which demonstrated the still inefficient integration of informational skills to the investigative process. It is proposed to continue working on the Informational Culture subject as a transversal axis of the curriculum, from the subject and year groups, so that it provides students with the tools to achieve learning for life and can contribute to social change towards a better world.


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How to Cite

Medina Rodríguez, A., Hurtado Machado, T. ., & del Busto Pou, I. . (2022). Technology in research: view from information skills at the University. Varela Journal, 22(62), 86-93.