Call number 71 (May-Aug 2025)
Innovative strategies to promote digital transformation in education
Closing: Feb 28, 2025
The Varela Journal ( published by the Faculty of Early Childhood Education of the Central University "Marta Abreu" of Las Villas, in its desire to disseminate scientific productions derived from research and profile innovations pedagogical, presents its number 54 (Sep-Dec 2019) on the subject:
One of the current trends in the improvement of professional training is related to the need to strengthen the bond with the institutions in which the university student will work, once they graduate. Work practice constitutes a space to materialize what has been proposed, because it contributes significantly to the solution of academic, cultural, economic and environmental problems present in social reality, as well as to the formation of professional skills with scientific, technological and innovative thinking.
For this, the labor practice requires the essential integration of the employers' bodies of the future professionals with the educational institutions, in the design and execution of the activities to be developed in correspondence with the current potentialities and needs of the particular context in which it is inserted. The link between the careers and the labor entities should favor not only the training of competent professionals, but also the elevation of the quality and the work environment in the employers' organizations, which materializes the impact of the university in the community and in development. social territory.
Taking into account the ideas expressed, this issue is offered in which contributions are presented in the treatment of pre-professional practice from various angles through research work and applied experiences in the current educational reality.
In this installment, collaborations of professors-researchers are shown from: the Technical Industrial Educational Institution "Carlos Holguín Mallarino" in Cali, Colombia, the Bernardo O'Higgins University, from Santiago, Chile, the Institute of Social Sciences and Humanities of the University Autonomous of the State of Hidalgo in Mexico, as well as of the State of Ecuador, the Israel Technological University and the National Polytechnic School, both in Quito and the Autonomous Regional University of the Andes in Santo Domingo. The publication also has contributions from Cuban authors from the University of Cienfuegos, the University of Havana, the University of Holguín, the University of Moa, both in the province of Holguín, and the Central University of Las Villas.
Finally, the authors of the articles presented are thanked for the contributions made to this issue of the journal, hoping that the dissemination of the ideas expressed may favor the development of future research and innovative experiences in the educational field.
Innovative strategies to promote digital transformation in education
Closing: Feb 28, 2025
Comprehensive training in today's society
Closing: Jun 30, 2025
APA Style 7ht edition in english
APA Style 7th edition in spanish
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