Personal social identity traits in early childhood emotional development




Emotional development, Process, Identity, Social, Personal, Childhood


One of the main changes that arise within the framework of the III Improvement of the Cuban Educational System, specifically in the early childhood curriculum, consists of the structuring of objectives and contents in Dimensions of Education and Development; one of which is aimed at the personal social development of the child. The dimension of Education and Personal Social Development is organized into four processes, one of which is the formation of identity traits. His recent implementation requires studies to delve into the nature of this process and its configuration in the development of children of this age. Because of this, this research proposes a methodological procedure that enables the evaluation of this process. It is composed of four steps that in turn constitute indicators, the results of which are expressed as achieved, in process and not achieved, with their respective measurement descriptors.


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How to Cite

Personal social identity traits in early childhood emotional development. (2024). Varela Journal, 24(69), 187-195.