Experiences and challenges in the dissemination of scientific knowledge in a Cuban educational journal





Scientific journals, Varela Journal, Systematization of experiences, Dissemination of scientific knowledge


The work presents the systematization of experiences in the publication of Varela Journal, published in digital format by the Universidad Central “Marta Abreu” de Las Villas, Villa Clara, Cuba, which had as its fundamental purpose the understanding and interpretation of the process experienced, considering the dissemination of scientific knowledge as a common thread. The methodology followed in the case study corresponds to the method of systematization of experiences, which is based on periodization by stages, to facilitate the historical recovery of the process and the recognition of significant events and penetrate into the critical interpretation of the process experienced. The results require, for each stage, the recognition of the most significant events and important moments that occurred in the work dynamic, as well as the analysis of the main regularities. The critical interpretation of the process experienced allowed us to return to the object in its entirety and draw up an improvement plan, which can contribute to a higher quality in the dissemination of scientific knowledge of the journal's publication in the future.


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How to Cite

Experiences and challenges in the dissemination of scientific knowledge in a Cuban educational journal. (2024). Varela Journal, 24(69), 232-244. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.13623384

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