
  • Número 68

    Vol. 24 No. 68 (2024)

    Varela Journal (, a publication with a pedagogical profile, managed by the Faculty of Early Childhood Education of the Central University “Marta Abreu” de las Villas, is pleased to present to its readers and collaborators number 68 corresponding to the May-August 2024 stage, which will address the topic:


    The world in which we live, characterized by the rapidity of its changes and the intensity of its interconnection and interdependence, poses new challenges and offers new opportunities for the search for sustainable social and human development. In these processes, learning occupies a central place, since it implies the effective acquisition of basic and transferable skills both for the world of work and for personal, civic and social life. Precisely, among these challenges, the educational curriculum stands out as a fundamental tool to achieve the transformations that are required in today's society.

    The educational curriculum constitutes a set of interconnected aspects, conceptual, methodological and practical to offer students of different educational levels, appropriate academic training; It refers not only to the formal structure of study plans and programs, but to all aspects that involve the choice of content, its disposition, the needs of society, educational or didactic materials, available technology, among others. Hence the importance of curricular design, as an advance vision of the curriculum, which encompasses a decision-making process prior to its development.

    Precisely, this issue offers in its MONOGRAPHIC section the possibility of sharing research, innovations and experiences of educational practice, in relation to the various views on the educational curriculum and curricular design, tempered with the new demands of today's society in order to achieve more just and equitable societies. Likewise, it shows in its RESEARCH IN EDUCATION section articles unrelated to the topic of the monograph, which express the results of scientific work from various aspects of the educational field.

  • Número 67

    Vol. 24 No. 67 (2024)

    Varela Journal (, a publication with a pedagogical profile, managed by the Faculty of Early Childhood Education of the Central University “Marta Abreu” de las Villas, is pleased to present to its readers and collaborators number 67 corresponding to the January-April 2024 stage, which will address the topic:


    The accelerated appearance of new knowledge, a product of the rapid development of science and technology in the current era, has determined the appearance of new fields of knowledge in different areas of knowledge; In particular, Educational Sciences do not escape these processes of integration and differentiation that characterize science today.

    Precisely this issue presents in its MONOGRAPH section the possibility of sharing research, innovations, and experiences that offer contributions to Educational Sciences based on the analysis of educational phenomena from various perspectives and delving into specific contexts, which can be beneficial for our readers. Likewise, its RESEARCH IN EDUCATION section shows articles unrelated to the topic of the monograph, which express the results of scientific work from various aspects of the educational field.

  • Número 66

    Vol. 23 No. 66 (2023)

    Varela Journal, managed by the Faculty of Early Childhood Education of the "Marta Abreu" Central University of Las Villas, is pleased to present monograph number 66 corresponding to the September-December 2023 period, which deals with the topic:


    The task of the education professional is not limited to teaching a conglomerate of knowledge that many soon forget, but rather, because it is so comprehensive, it includes everything that can influence the formation of the human being for their integration into society and achieve performance. cash on it. That is a huge responsibility. Those who have understood and assumed it dedicate their lives with dedication and tenacity.

    Each historical period nuances the challenges that educators face to solve. Social and labor relations, influenced by technological scientific development, by the struggles to achieve new freedoms, social justice and rights, condition the demands on education. Consequently, an update of the challenges of the daily work of the educator can be specified in the following trends: educating students to learn to learn, developing digital competence, being creative and innovative, attending to individual differences, managing new strategies evaluation, research in education, among others.

    Precisely, this number offers in its MONOGRAPHIC section contributions that address research, innovations, compilations and experiences related to the work of educators and can be beneficial for our readers; likewise, it presents in its EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH section articles detached from the theme of the monograph that express the results of scientific work from various angles of the educational field.

    Vol. 23 No. 65 (2023)

    Varela Journal (, a publication with a pedagogical profile, managed by the Faculty of Early Childhood Education of the Central University "Marta Abreu" de las Villas, certified by the Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment (CITMA) and indexed in: DOAJ, CLASE, LATINDEX, REDIB, among others, has the pleasure of presenting to its readers and collaborators the monographic number 65 corresponding to the May-August 2023 period, which will deal with the topic:
    The world in which we live, characterized by the rapidity of its changes and the intensity of its interconnection and interdependence, poses new challenges and offers new opportunities for the search for sustainable social and human development. In these processes, learning occupies a central place, since it implies the effective acquisition of basic and transferable skills both for the world of work and for personal, civic and social life. This last issue has repercussions in areas that are decisive for improving learning processes and their results, among which learning assessment stands out.
    However, it is widely recognized that, in school practice, learning assessment is a pending issue and that many curricular innovations end up emptying out because they are not accompanied by similar innovations in assessment. Hence, the need to overcome the traditional treatment of said component, which identifies it only with the rating, ignoring the other elements that make it up.
    A new vision of assessment should consider it as a guided communication process integrated into the classroom instructional sequence, which allows obtaining qualitative data (through observation of activities, individual or group dialogues, and samples of student work). , to achieve an estimate of the achievements of each student and a provisional indication with proposals for their improvement. This conception, therefore, should influence learning with continuous monitoring of students, in a way that highlights progress and difficulties, points out positive expectations, favors self-regulation and inter-regulation of students; These aspects will favor the formative function of evaluation and its role as a permanent instrument for teaching improvement.
    Precisely, this number offers in its MONOGRAPHIC section, various contributions that address the subject, as a result of research, innovations and advanced pedagogical experiences. Likewise, this issue has other articles in its RESEARCH IN EDUCATION section, which are unrelated to the theme of the monograph and derive from the results of scientific work in the area of Pedagogical Sciences.

    Vol. 23 No. 64 (2023)

    Varela Journal (, a publication with a pedagogical profile, managed by the Faculty of Early Childhood Education of the Central University "Marta Abreu" de las Villas, certified by the Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment (CITMA) and indexed in: DOAJ, CLASE, LATINDEX, REDIB, among others, has the pleasure of presenting to its readers and collaborators the monograph number 64 corresponding to the January-April 2023 period, which will deal with the topic:


    The development of competencies in educational settings is a topic widely discussed in the current pedagogical literature and there are diverse criteria about the conceptualization of the term, hence it is considered a polysemic concept. However, regardless of the diversity of definitions, there are some common elements, among which its integrating nature stands out, considering that competence implies the interrelation of conceptual, procedural and attitudinal knowledge (knowledge, abilities, capacities, skills, values and others) that allow the subject to perform in a given situation, which gives him added value, that of the uniqueness of each person.

    From this personological perspective, competence must also be considered in its close relationship with elements of the affective sphere of personality, such as: feelings, emotions, qualities, among others, which influence its development. On the other hand, the dynamic nature of the competition is recognized, as it develops and updates itself in the action itself, which links it to a context, to a given situation and facilitates interaction with reality; This very development of competence also fosters the possibilities of the subject to act in other contexts and different situations.

    The introduction of competencies in school work implies new ways of teaching and learning, and consequently, new competencies to be developed by teachers from a broader vision of learning that goes beyond traditional paradigms. Teachers, therefore, must master and know how to develop the skills to facilitate the autonomous and meaningful learning processes of students at different levels and contexts, as well as the creation of effective intervention strategies in response to the new conditions demanded by the current information society and communications.

    Precisely, this number offers in its MONOGRAPHIC section, various contributions that address the subject, as a result of research, innovations and advanced pedagogical experiences. Likewise, this issue has other articles in its EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH section, which are unrelated to the subject of the monograph and derive from the results of scientific work in the area of Pedagogical Sciences.

    Vol. 22 No. 63 (2022)

    The Varela Journal (, a publication with a pedagogical profile, managed by the Faculty of Early Childhood Education of the Central University "Marta Abreu" of Las Villas, certified by the Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment (CITMA) and indexed in: DOAJ, CLASE , LATINDEX, REDIB and ERICHPLUS, is pleased to present to its readers and collaborators the monograph number 63 corresponding to September-December 2022, which addresses the topic:


    The use of information and communication technologies in the creation of virtual learning environments, also called virtual classrooms, has determined new ways of teaching and learning, which differ notably from the traditional forms used in the face-to-face modality. These classrooms are mounted on various technological systems, among which is the MOODLE platform (Modular Object-Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment), which offers multiple employment possibilities to ensure that the student can learn by himself, raise his role and encourage their cognitive independence and creativity.

    However, the fact of having the platform installed and the required infrastructure is not a sufficient guarantee of effectiveness and quality in the learning process, since these tools only acquire didactic value when they are interpreted as mediating artifacts between the teacher and the students. To achieve these goals, it is necessary for teachers to have sufficient preparation to be able to make the most of these technological potentialities and adapt them to the teaching-learning process, through the use of didactic strategies that promote student learning.

    Precisely, this number offers in its MONOGRAPHIC section, various contributions that address the use of virtual platforms, such as research results, innovations and advanced pedagogical experiences. Likewise, this issue has other articles in its RESEARCH IN EDUCATION section, which are unrelated to the theme of the monograph and are derived from the results of scientific work in the area of ​​Pedagogical Sciences.

    Vol. 22 No. 62 (2022)

    The teaching-learning processes in the school environment undergo profound changes in their conception and execution, due to the impact of the accelerated pace of scientific advances, the development of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) and the irruption of educational models. based on the collective and autonomous construction of knowledge. These changes demand and compromise transforming demands also on teachers, to face unprecedented challenges of now, in the way of assuming their educational practice in the epistemological, methodical, pedagogical and curricular, in order to guarantee a relevant education according to the new realities.

    At present, these transformations have accelerated notably as a result of the health crisis that is being faced worldwide due to the Covid-19 pandemic. In an effort to guarantee the continuity of education in the current conditions, the educational systems of the different countries, in coordination with social organizations and institutions, the media and other community factors, are developing actions to take advantage of and mobilize resources and available technologies, in order to implement innovative initiatives and solutions, adapted to the particular contexts to provide an education that facilitates learning opportunities, during this period of sudden and unprecedented educational alteration.

    There are multiple initiatives deployed in the use of information and communication technologies in order to maintain the continuity of educational processes. Precisely, this number offers in its MONOGRAPHIC section various contributions that address research, innovations and experiences applied in educational practice in relation to the aforementioned aspects. Likewise, in the RESEARCH IN EDUCATION section, works derived from educational research are presented, which from other perspectives, offer contributions and solutions for the improvement of educational processes.

    Vol. 22 No. 61 (2022)

    The current global context, characterized by strong social imbalances exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic, demands the design of initiatives that promote scientific and technological cooperation with a more inclusive approach, aimed at promoting progress in all areas of society . In these endeavors, education constitutes a key factor in social progress, for its contribution to enabling people to escape the cycle of poverty, reduce inequalities and achieve gender equality, as well as promoting tolerance, protecting the environment and in this way favor a healthier and more sustainable life, among other aspects.

    Therefore, it is necessary to guarantee a quality education that promotes lifelong learning opportunities, to equip all people with the knowledge, skills and values ​​that allow their full incorporation into society, hence the need to mobilize resources and implement innovative and appropriate solutions to specific situations in the educational context.

    The aforementioned issues show the challenges that education faces in the current era, which set trends in its continuous improvement, among which the following stand out: attention to diversity, educational management in virtual environments, education in values, good practices at all levels of education including postgraduate, initial and continuing teacher training, environmental education for sustainable development, the relationship between school, family, community, among others. Precisely, the ideas expressed show the possibilities offered by this issue in its MONOGRAPHIC section to present contributions that address research, innovations and experiences applied in educational practice in the aforementioned aspects.

    We remind you that in this new stage of development of the journal, the section INVESTIGATIONS IN EDUCATION is added to its monographic section. This section will contain works that are detached from the subject of the journal and it is a possibility that is offered to the authors to publish the articles that have not found a place in the summoned topics; To be accepted for evaluation by experts, these works must comply with the structure regulated for this type of article.

    Vol. 21 No. 60 (2021)

    The improvement of educational systems in the current stage of social development, focuses its attention on the principle of educational inclusion as a way to care for human diversity, which means not only that everyone can have access to school, but also and as a priority that they can develop fully and continue learning throughout life.

    An education is of quality if it promotes equity and for this it must be adapted to the needs and characteristics of the people and of the various social and cultural contexts; However, this concept has not always been understood about the differences existing in the subjects, their objective character, and the most just and developmental way of intervening from the pedagogical point of view.

    Educational inclusion is focused on achieving socio-educational objectives for everyone, regardless of the modality or institution that provides the educational offer. In this regard, the 2030 Agenda, managed by the United Nations, promotes the inclusion and participation of citizens in economic and social development, and emphasizes gender equality and ethnic and racial diversity.

    Vol. 21 No. 59 (2021)

    The Varela Journal ( ) published by the Faculty of Early Childhood Education of the Central University "Marta Abreu" of Las Villas (UCLV), in its desire to disseminate scientific productions derived from research and Innovations with a pedagogical profile, presents its number 58 (May-August 2021), dedicated to the 20 years since the release of its first issue.


    Education from a humanistic approach must aim at the search for an integrating vision of the world, so that it can be interpreted and transformed. From this point of view, educational processes should promote the personal enrichment of the subjects, which prepares them to face their present and future life, as well as act accordingly with the changes that take place in society.

    The humanistic sense emphasizes the social character of the educational process, which implies that said process cannot be isolated from man's problems, his ways of being, feeling, ethics and aesthetics, cultural and social contexts, economic and political. Hence the importance of considering educational goals that respond to social needs and are specified in actions aimed at the comprehensive training of people, which consider the formation of feelings, values ​​and attitudes inextricably linked to knowledge and skills.

    The aforementioned issues, in the new educational scenarios that characterize the current era, require transcendent changes in the ways and methods to develop humanistic training. Precisely, the contributions that are presented in this installment in its MONOGRAPH section deal with research work and experiences applied in educational practice on the issue raised. Likewise, this number in its section RESEARCH IN EDUCATION contains scientific works with varied themes, whose structure complies with the formal stages of the investigative process.

    Vol. 21 No. 58 (2021)

    The Varela Journal ( published by the Faculty of Early Childhood Education of the Central University "Marta Abreu" of Las Villas (UCLV), in its desire to disseminate scientific productions derived from research and Innovations with a pedagogical profile, presents its number 58 (January-April 2021), dedicated to the 20 years since the release of its first issue.


    The purpose of educational research is to offer solutions to problems in the educational context, and to contribute to the advancement of pedagogical knowledge; This implies substantial changes in the way of conceiving, organizing and executing it, to assume it as a complex and methodologically demanding task. Based on the ideas expressed, this number is offered in which contributions are presented that from different perspectives deal with the ideas raised related to educational research in the current era.

    Finally, the authors of the articles presented are thanked for the contributions made to this issue of the journal, hoping that the dissemination of the ideas expressed may favor the development of future research and innovative experiences in the educational field.

  • Número 57

    Vol. 20 No. 57 (2020)

    The Varela Journal ( published by the Faculty of Early Childhood Education of the Central University "Marta Abreu" of Las Villas (UCLV), in its desire to disseminate scientific productions derived from research and Innovations with a pedagogical profile, presents its number 57 (Sep-Dec 2020), dedicated to the 20 years of the Center for Education Studies "Gaspar Jorge García Galló" of the UCLV, which addresses the topic:


    The accelerated development of science and technology in the current era, especially the advances in Information and Communication Technologies, have had a strong impact on scientific research, which has revolutionized all phases of this process. In particular, in the field of educational research, in recent decades new epistemologies and research approaches have emerged, which take advantage of the potentialities that technologies offer to project in greater depth the knowledge about the educational reality in the investigated context, analyze the causes of the phenomena and propose criteria and ideas for their continuous improvement.
    The purpose of educational research is to offer solutions to problems in the educational context, and to contribute to the advancement of pedagogical knowledge; This implies substantial changes in the way of conceiving, organizing and executing it, to assume it as a complex and methodologically demanding task. Based on the ideas expressed, this number is offered in which contributions are presented that from different perspectives deal with the ideas raised related to educational research in the current era.
    In this installment, collaborations of professor-researchers from the Cesar Vallejo, the Tecnológica del Perú and the Norbert Wiener universities in Lima, Peru, the Zaragoza and the Rey Juan Carlos universities, both in Spain, as well as from the Ministry of Education are shown. Jalisco. Mexico. The publication also has contributions from Cuban authors from the Central Institute of Pedagogical Sciences (ICCP) of Havana, as well as from professors from the Center for the Study of Education of the UCLV.
    Finally, the authors of the articles presented are thanked for the contributions made to this issue of the journal, hoping that the dissemination of the ideas expressed may favor the development of future research and innovative experiences in the educational field.

  • Número 56

    Vol. 20 No. 56 (2020)

    The Varela Journal ( published by the Faculty of Early Childhood Education of the Central University "Marta Abreu" of Las Villas, in its desire to disseminate scientific productions derived from research and profile innovations pedagogical, presents its number 56 (May-August 2020) on the subject:


    One of the fundamental problems towards which the improvement of educational systems on a world scale is directed is the need to overcome traditional styles of teaching. These styles have been characterized fundamentally, in that they focus the teaching-learning process on the teacher, whose main function is to transmit information, while the role of the student is reduced to receiving that information, thus limiting their intellectual work.

    For this reason, transformations are required in the teaching-learning process at all educational levels to ensure that students learn to learn and become active subjects in their training; This would imply moving towards a new culture of learning, more adjusted to the complex needs of today's world, which demand learning strategies, which enable people to continue learning throughout life, a requirement that, without a doubt, transcends the old schemes school informational.

    Taking into account the ideas expressed, this issue is offered in which contributions are presented that address the ideas raised and address innovative experiences to improve the quality of student learning, from different angles through research work and applied experiences in the current educational reality.

    In this installment, collaborations of professor-researchers from the César Vallejo University of Lima and the Continental University of Arequipa, both from the state of Peru, the Bernardo O'Higgins University and the Manuel de Salas Experimental Lyceum in Santiago, Chile, the Universidad del Papaloapan, from Oaxaca and the Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo, from Morelia in the state of Mexico, as well as the New Providence Classical School in Nassau, Bahamas. The publication also has contributions from Cuban authors from the universities of Holguín, Pinar del Rio, Camagüey and Villa Clara.

    Finally, the authors of the articles presented are thanked for the contributions made to this issue of the journal, hoping that the dissemination of the ideas expressed may favor the development of future research and innovative experiences in the educational field.

    Vol. 20 No. 55 (2020)

    The Varela Journal ( published by the Faculty of Early Childhood Education of the Central University "Marta Abreu" of Las Villas, in its desire to disseminate scientific productions derived from research and profile innovations pedagogical, presents its number 55 (January-April 2020) on the subject:


    One of the fundamental problems towards which the improvement of educational systems on a world scale is directed is the need to overcome traditional styles of teaching. These styles have been characterized fundamentally, in that they focus the teaching-learning process on the teacher, whose main function is to transmit information, while the role of the student is reduced to receiving that information, thus limiting their intellectual work.

    For this reason, transformations are required in the teaching-learning process at all educational levels to ensure that students learn to learn and become active subjects in their training; This would imply moving towards a new culture of learning, more adjusted to the complex needs of today's world, which demand learning strategies, which enable people to continue learning throughout life, a requirement that, without a doubt, transcends the old schemes school informational.

    Taking into account the ideas expressed, this issue is offered in which contributions are presented that address the ideas raised and address innovative experiences to improve the quality of student learning, from different angles through research work and applied experiences in the current educational reality.

    In this installment, collaborations of professors-researchers from: the University of the Eastern Republic of Uruguay, the Evangelical University of Salvador, the National University of Chaco Austral in Argentina and the Mbave High School, in the Province of Huambo in Angola, are shown. Likewise, contributions are presented from the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Tayacaja, the Universidad Nacional de Cañete and the Universidad Privada Norbert Wiener, all from the state of Peru. The publication also has contributions from Cuban authors from the University of Holguín and the Central University of Las Villas.

    Finally, the authors of the articles presented are thanked for the contributions made to this issue of the journal, hoping that the dissemination of the ideas expressed may favor the development of future research and innovative experiences in the educational field.

    Vol. 19 No. 54 (2019)

    The Varela Journal ( published by the Faculty of Early Childhood Education of the Central University "Marta Abreu" of Las Villas, in its desire to disseminate scientific productions derived from research and profile innovations pedagogical, presents its number 54 (Sep-Dec 2019) on the subject:


    One of the current trends in the improvement of professional training is related to the need to strengthen the bond with the institutions in which the university student will work, once they graduate. Work practice constitutes a space to materialize what has been proposed, because it contributes significantly to the solution of academic, cultural, economic and environmental problems present in social reality, as well as to the formation of professional skills with scientific, technological and innovative thinking.

    For this, the labor practice requires the essential integration of the employers' bodies of the future professionals with the educational institutions, in the design and execution of the activities to be developed in correspondence with the current potentialities and needs of the particular context in which it is inserted. The link between the careers and the labor entities should favor not only the training of competent professionals, but also the elevation of the quality and the work environment in the employers' organizations, which materializes the impact of the university in the community and in development. social territory.

    Taking into account the ideas expressed, this issue is offered in which contributions are presented in the treatment of pre-professional practice from various angles through research work and applied experiences in the current educational reality.

    In this installment, collaborations of professors-researchers are shown from: the Technical Industrial Educational Institution "Carlos Holguín Mallarino" in Cali, Colombia, the Bernardo O'Higgins University, from Santiago, Chile, the Institute of Social Sciences and Humanities of the University Autonomous of the State of Hidalgo in Mexico, as well as of the State of Ecuador, the Israel Technological University and the National Polytechnic School, both in Quito and the Autonomous Regional University of the Andes in Santo Domingo. The publication also has contributions from Cuban authors from the University of Cienfuegos, the University of Havana, the University of Holguín, the University of Moa, both in the province of Holguín, and the Central University of Las Villas.

    Finally, the authors of the articles presented are thanked for the contributions made to this issue of the journal, hoping that the dissemination of the ideas expressed may favor the development of future research and innovative experiences in the educational field.

    Vol. 19 No. 53 (2019)

    The Varela Magazine ( published by the Faculty of Early Childhood Education of the Central University "Marta Abreu" of Las Villas, in its desire to disseminate scientific productions derived from research and profile innovations pedagogical, presents its number 53 (May-August 2019) on the subject:


    The current and future panorama of education in the 21st century faces a scenario increasingly impacted by scientific and technological advances, which impose transcendent changes in educational processes to achieve quality education for all throughout life. In a time of rapid obsolescence of knowledge, the importance of people learning to learn and being motivated to acquire new knowledge constitutes a necessity for their continuing education, which requires the transformation and diversification of the pedagogical models to be applied in the different spaces in which educational processes are developed.

    Taking into account the ideas expressed, this issue is offered in which contributions are presented that address the pedagogical models of the 21st century from various angles through research work and applied experiences in the current educational reality. In this installment, collaborations of professors-researchers are shown from: the Israel Technological University, in Quito, Ecuador, the Technical Industrial Educational Institution "Diez de Mayo" and the Santo Tomás Educational Institution, both in Cali, Colombia, the Bernardo O University Higgins, from Santiago, Chile, as well as the Instituto Tecnológico de Sonora of the Department of Education in Mexico. The publication also has contributions from Cuban authors from the "Carlos Rafael Rodríguez" University of Cienfuegos and the "Marta Abreu" Central University of Las Villas.

    Finally, the authors of the articles presented are thanked for the contributions made to this issue of the journal, hoping that the dissemination of the ideas expressed may favor the development of future research and innovative experiences in the educational field.

    Vol. 19 No. 52 (2019)

    The Varela Journal ( published by the Faculty of Early Childhood Education of the Central University "Marta Abreu" of Las Villas, in its desire to disseminate scientific productions derived from research and profile innovations pedagogical, presents its number 52 (January-April 2019) on the subject:


    The current and future panorama of education in the 21st century faces a scenario increasingly impacted by scientific and technological advances, which impose transcendent changes in educational processes to achieve quality education for all throughout life. In a time of rapid obsolescence of knowledge, the importance of people learning to learn and being motivated to acquire new knowledge constitutes a necessity for their continuing education, which requires the transformation and diversification of the pedagogical models to be applied in the different spaces in which educational processes are developed.

    In particular, in the field of school institutions, the use of information and communication technologies, renews the concept of the teacher as the main source of knowledge, since this is no longer the only reference that the student has for access to education. to know. This implies diversifying the study modalities, as well as rethinking the didactic aspects, in order to ensure that the student is the main actor in the process, increases his or her role and fosters his cognitive independence and creativity.

    On the other hand, lifelong education goes beyond the traditional distinction between basic education and lifelong education, and means moving towards an educating society, in which there are multiple opportunities to learn and develop people's capacities, those that are based on various pedagogical models. The pressing educational needs of the present and the future cannot be satisfied, except through the conception of continuous training, which is based on the idea that man educates himself throughout life and the recognition of all the educational possibilities offered by the life in society.

    Taking into account the ideas expressed, this issue is offered in which contributions are presented that address the pedagogical models of the 21st century from various angles through research work and applied experiences in the current educational reality. In this installment, collaborations of professors-researchers are shown: from the University of Madeira in Portugal, the State Technical University of Quevedo and the National Polytechnic School of Quito in the state of Ecuador, the Universidad Pedagógica Experimental Libertador in the state of Venezuela, as well such as the Juan Pablo II Educational Institution in Santiago de Cali, Colombia. The publication also has contributions from Cuban authors from the University of Cienfuegos and the Central University "Marta Abreu" of Las Villas.

    Finally, the authors of the articles presented are thanked for the contributions made to this issue of the journal, hoping that the dissemination of the ideas expressed may favor the development of future research and innovative experiences in the educational field.

    Vol. 18 No. 51 (2018)

    The Varela Journal ( published by the Faculty of Early Childhood Education of the Central University "Marta Abreu" of Las Villas, in its desire to disseminate scientific productions derived from research and profile innovations pedagogical, presents its number 51 (September-December 2018) on the subject:


    The computerization of society constitutes one of the most relevant challenges faced worldwide, since it implies profound changes in all areas of social life. In this endeavor, the education sector plays a fundamental role, from its own function in the formation of competent citizens who can act consistently in the face of scientific-technological changes that characterize the information and knowledge society.

    Precisely, the aforementioned issues have determined transformations in education, so that these correspond to the transition from printed culture to digital culture and cyber-culture, hence the need to use information technology and new forms in the search, selection and interpretation of information, which support the new learning environments, to encourage people to be able to self-manage information and obtain knowledge for themselves throughout life.

    Therefore, school institutions must respond to the new expectations of learning, for which it is essential to promote the development of computer and informational skills from all the subjects that make up the school curriculum. On this occasion, works are published that address the subject from different angles, which contemplate the development of these skills at different levels of education and degrees, as well as in various disciplines and subjects.

    In this installment, collaborations of professors-researchers are shown: from the Autonomous University of Yucatán, the Higher Technological Institute of Ciudad Constitución in Baja California Sur and the Michoacana University of San Nicolás de Hidalgo de Morelia, in the state of Mexico, as well as from the Escuela Normal Superior "Farallones de Cali" in Santiago de Cali, Colombia and the Escuela Superior Politécnica de Namibe at the "Mandume Ya Ndemufayo" University in Angola. The publication also has contributions from Cuban authors from the Central University "Marta Abreu" de las Villas in the province of Villa Clara.

    Finally, the authors of the articles presented are thanked for the contributions made to this issue of the journal, hoping that the dissemination of the ideas expressed may favor the development of future research and innovative experiences in the educational field.

    Vol. 18 No. 50 (2018)

    The Varela Journal ( published by the Faculty of Early Childhood Education of the Central University "Marta Abreu" of Las Villas, in its desire to disseminate scientific productions derived from research and profile innovations pedagogical, presents its number 50 (May-August 2018) on the subject:


    The development of skills in students constitutes a fundamental aspect in the educational processes that are carried out in educational institutions. The skills together with the knowledge and values, make up the content category, considered by many specialists in the Pedagogical Sciences as an essential component of the teaching-learning process.

    The skills express the mastery by the student of actions and operations that respond to a specific objective, hence the diversity of forms that can be adopted in educational processes. Given the breadth of the subject, which offers the opportunity to approach it from different angles, a large number of contributions have been received, for which reason the decision was made to divide the articles received into two fascicles.

    On this occasion, we present the second issue dedicated to the subject, in which works are published that address the issue of developing specific skills from various educational contexts. In this installment, collaborations of professors-researchers are shown: from the Evangelical University of El Salvador, the Centers for Infant and Primary Education of Seville and Almería, and the University of Córdoba in Spain, the CIFE University Center, the Autonomous University of Yucatán and the Autonomous University of Baja California in the state of Mexico, as well as the National Pedagogical University of Bogotá in Colombia. The publication also has collaborations with Cuban authors from: the University of Camagüey and the Central University "Marta Abreu" de las Villas in the province of Villa Clara.

    Finally, the authors of the articles presented are thanked for the contributions made to this issue of the journal, hoping that the dissemination of the ideas expressed may favor the development of future research and innovative experiences in the educational field.

    Vol. 18 No. 49 (2018)

    La Revista Varela ( ) publicada  por la Facultad de Educación Infantil de la Universidad Central  “Marta Abreu” de las Villas, en su afán por divulgar las producciones científicas derivadas de investigaciones e innovaciones de perfil pedagógico, presenta su número  49 (enero-abril de 2018) sobre el tema:


    El desarrollo de habilidades en los estudiantes constituye un aspecto fundamental en los procesos educativos que se ejecutan en las instituciones educativas. Las habilidades conjuntamente con los conocimientos y valores, integran la categoría contenido, considerada por muchos especialistas de las Ciencias Pedagógicas como componente esencial del proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje.

    Las habilidades expresan el dominio por el alumno de acciones y operaciones que responden a un objetivo determinado, de ahí la diversidad de formas que puede adoptar en los procesos educativos. Dada la amplitud del tema, que ofrece la oportunidad de abordarlo desde diversas aristas, ha generado un elevado número de contribuciones, por lo que se tomó la decisión de dividir los artículos recibidos en dos fascículos.

    En particular, en este número se publican trabajos que abordan el tema del desarrollo de las habilidades desde una perspectiva general en diversos escenarios educativos. En esta entrega, se muestran colaboraciones de profesores-investigadores: del Instituto de Ciencias de la Educación. Universidad Karl Franzens en  Austria, el Instituto Tecnológico Superior de Ciudad Constitución en Baja California Sur, la Universidad Autónoma de Campeche ambos en el estado de México, así como de la Universidad de Managua en Nicaragua. La publicación cuenta también con  colaboraciones de autores cubanos de: la  Universidad de Oriente, la Universidad de Camagüey la Universidad de Guantánamo, así como de la Universidad de Ciencias Médicas “Dr. Serafín Ruiz de Zárate Ruiz” y  de la Universidad Central “Marta Abreu” de las Villas en la provincia de Villa Clara.

    Por último, se agradece a los autores de los artículos presentados, las contribuciones realizadas para  este número de la revista, esperando que la divulgación de las ideas expresadas, puedan favorecer el desarrollo de trabajos futuros de investigación y de experiencias innovadoras en el ámbito educativo.

    Vol. 17 No. 48 (2017)

    Revista Varela Volumen 17 Número 48

    La Revista Varela ( ) publicada  por la Facultad de Educación Infantil de la Universidad Central  “Marta Abreu” de las Villas, en su afán por divulgar las producciones científicas derivadas de investigaciones e innovaciones de perfil pedagógico, presenta su número 48 (sept -dic de 2017) sobre el tema:


    La formación científica se ha convertido en la piedra angular de la educación del siglo XXI, y se visualiza como el motor para la formación de ciudadanos comprometidos, que puedan participar responsable y críticamente en las decisiones que orienten la ciencia y la tecnología hacia un desarrollo social, que reporte beneficios dirigidos hacia la humanización del hombre y la transformación del mundo, teniendo en cuenta además, las nuevas formas de peligrosidad asociadas al mundo desarrollado actual.

    Derivado de lo apuntado se advierte la importancia y complejidad del tratamiento de la formación científica en las condiciones de la sociedad moderna. Por ello, las instituciones escolares deben promover la formación científica en todos los niveles educativos y en todas las áreas docentes, desde una mirada interdisciplinar que involucre a todos los profesores y estudiantes, así como familiares y la comunidad en general. De igual forma, es importante señalar los aportes a la formación científica que desde el plano social pueden ofrecer  las vías no formales (ámbitos no escolarizados) como: los medios masivos de comunicación, los museos, acuarios, jardines botánicos, centros de investigación, entre otros.

    Los artículos que se publican en este número presentan experiencias concretas acerca de la formación científica, que muestran su influencia en el desarrollo social desde diversos escenarios educativos. En este fascículo, se muestran colaboraciones de profesores-investigadores de: la Universidad San Nicolás de Hidalgo en  Michoacán, el Centro de Formación en Transparencia, Acceso a la Información y Archivos Públicos, el Centro Universitario CIFE y la Universidad Autónoma en Yucatán, la Universidad Autónoma del Carmen y la Universidad Autónoma de Campeche en el estado de Campeche, instituciones todas del estado de México, así como la Universidad Pedagógica Nacional en  Bogotá, Colombia. La publicación cuenta también con  colaboraciones de autores cubanos de: la  Universidad de Oriente y  de la Universidad Central “Marta Abreu” de las Villas.

    Por último, se agradece a los autores de los artículos presentados, las contribuciones realizadas para  este número de la revista, esperando que la divulgación de las ideas expresadas, puedan favorecer el desarrollo de trabajos futuros de investigación y de experiencias innovadoras en el ámbito educativo.

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